First, what are coral reefs and mangroves?

Coral reefs are underwater structures made from calcium carbonate secreted by corals. Corals are colonies of tiny living animals found in marine waters that contain few nutrients. They are often called “rainforests of the sea”, coral reefs form some of the most ecosystems on Earth. Coral reefs are the most diverse and beautiful of all marine habitats. A coral reef serves as a home for all the fisheries and shoreline protection. It is formed after the last glacial period when melting ice caused the sea level to rise and flood the continental shelves. They would be found in the deep sea away from the continental shelves. There are three principal reef types the Fringing reef, Barrier reef, and Atoll reef. Fringing reef is a type of reef that directly attached to a shore, or borders. Barrier reef is a type of reef that is separated from a mainland or island shore by a deep channel. And the Atoll reef is a type of reef that is more or less circular or continuous barrier reef extends all the way around a lagoon without a central island.

Also mangroves are various kinds of trees up to medium height and shrubs that grow in saline coastal sediment habitats in the tropics and subtropics – mainly between latitudes 25° N and 25° S. Mangroves would be found in tropical and subtropical tidal areas. 110 species are considered mangroves. Mangroves protect coastal areas from erosion, storm surge, and tsunami. Now that we know what they are, we can easily know why they are important in our environment.

Coral reefs our important because they reefs maintain a balance of life with the mangrove and sea grass ecosystems near the coastal shores, they our primary producers, they bring tourism, they our coastal protection, they are biologically productive, and they provide income. Mangroves are important because serve as a shelter and source of food to migratory birds such as Chinese Egret, it is natural water filter, it minimizes the impact of tsunamis, and serve as valuable nursery areas for fish and invertebrates. Coral reefs and mangroves are both important in our environment so we must take care with it, because without the both of this our environment would slowly die.